Friday, November 21, 2014

Baack at the Beginning...

Well, back at the beginning of this month was my husband's and my anniversary. It has been four years since we froze our buns, and forced many of our friends to freeze their buns off too while we stood beside a lake and said our "I do"s!!  And in true style for us, most of the day of our anniversary was spent at our local small Memorial Park zoo because my husband had offered to help cary a black bear into a waiting van so he could get a bad tooth extracted. O_O  I meet up with him and a group of our friends after the loading while they were waiting on the bear to get back for the unloading.  I have always loved this little zoo.  You would think that since I grew up in this town that I would have fond childhood memories of it.  But I don't.  I do have fond memories of bringing my own boys here when they were little to look at the different animals, and they loved it. We all still do!  

As pretty at this place is in summer, it really shines in the autumn!  
All the golden and red leaves shining in the dappled sunlight of the afternoon.
And of course I have my favorite animal that I simply must see every time I come here!
The Georgia Bobcat. Also known as a lynx breed of cat native to Ga.  There are two of them, and I don't know if this is a boy or not, but as he was the one wondering around the most, I decided he was indeed a boy. LOL
Of course the leaves are also worthy of a bit of a close up.
But I don't know if they can just live up to a lynx.  
I mean look at this guy!!
Look at that face!!  I would bet he would LOVE to have his ears scratched!!  

Later that night we went out for dinner to a little tiny Chinese restaurant that had some really yummy food.  They also had a very stunning piece of art work framed and hanging on the wall.
This is all hand embroidery!!  The  image is just fantastic and the colors are stunning!  The detail!  The main bird is a Chinese Phenix, and if you look closely you'll see that he is a mixture of birds.  I loved this peice of art.  I have one around here somewhere that I picked up at a junk/antique store. But mine is so much smaller than this one I would never thought to have framed it; now I think I just may do that.

What interesting decor have you noticed while out and about?


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