Well, it's been a whole week since my last post. I have so, so, so much I want to write about that's going on.
So, I'll start with the big stuff!
The Hubby and I were busy this past Sat. First we had to go pick up a new-to-us freezer. I was so happy! Now I can buy more meats and veggies in bulk and keep me in the lovely stand up freezer and we can save more money on he food budget. Woot!
Well, that is if we can get it home in one piece. I was a nervous wreck with it on the back of our almost flat bed trailer!
What had me more nervous was how my hubby was going to get it into the house with one teen at home, when it took three guys to get it on the trailer in te first place! Not to mention that we had to drive up hill on a bumpy gravel road!
Well, the freezer stayed in place! And my husband seems to be related to the hulk! Just with out the anger management issues. LOL Because not only was he able to get it off the trailer, up four stairs, and all the way across the house, but he was also able to get it to fit in the funny built corner! Yay!
We now have plenty of food storage space. Oh, the brand of freezer?
An International! :-)
Oh, but we weren't done yet. Nope. Now we, with Shae, the one teen at home this weekend, were off to see the 1974 Airstream International that we are being gifted! I am so, so, so, so, so beyond myself with this!!!
I have always wanted an Airstream!!
And, now we are getting one!
Like a crazy lady, I didn't think to get a full picture of it.
It needs quite a bit of tlc, since it has had parts of a dead pine tree fall on to it.
First order of business will be to replace the tires and tow it home. Then will come all the fun! I of course have started not just one, but two pinterest boards about this!
The Husband and I are talking about creating a joint blog to detail the transformation. I'll keep posting updates here too. (Since I know y'all will be just hanging onto the edges of your seats waiting for more pictures.)
Oh, and since it is Wednesday, I do have my WIP to show off!
The lace All Shawl is coming along fantastically! I love this yarn!
The yarn is Malabrigo Baby Silkpaca, in color way Abrio!
It is so soft, and ... Scrummy!
Oh, the cup?
It was a brilliant idea that I came up with. It holds the ball of yarn, and if I had thought of it sooner, the yarn would be coming out of the hole in the lid.
I am so taken with my idea, that I foresee many of my yarn loving friends getting travel cups with yarn for the big holiday that comes in December! (I am *not* naming this holiday because I have not had Halloween yet!) ;-)
So, tell me, how was your weekend?