I've been busy with sewing, crochet, and painting this weekend!
This past Thursday, I started sewing together one of my 13-14th century dresses that I had cut out a while ago.
I'm just about done with it. I need to redo the hem it. I seem to be having trouble getting the hem even all the way around, and it's making me twitch. LOL
As you can see, this dress is Pink!!! I love it! The solid pink wool was a gift from a friend, and as there just wasn't quite enough of it for the whole dress, I used a wool pink plaid blanket from Grannie for the gores and sleeves. (Why, yes there is a cooler sitting in my unused oversized bathtub...isn't that where *everyone* keeps theirs?)
Also, I may need to clean the mirrors...again. (Or at least once in a while?)
Look!!! Matching stripes!! I feel so full of win for pulling that off! The sleeve ends and the front closing are the two parts to do by hand. Unless I decide to wear it as a pull over. Meh. We'll see. (Also, I *love* mu ipad mini!!)
Saturday afternoon and evening was spent at our Barony's archery practice. My husband and two boys love shooting stuff with arrows! And throwing knifes, and axes and such. With my gone-to-pants shoulder, I can't even pull my kid's bow string back more than once without not being able to move my arm for days afterwards. :-/
Lots of Baronial Folks and M.A.R.S. Folks throwing stuff at targets. I spent the bulk of my time pretending like I was working on my crochet, but really, I was just running my mouth and socializing. I have finally learned I can't talk to more than one person and crochet at the same time! It gets bad! LOL
Today we went to Gwen's house to help sand and paint the Baronial fence. Ugh. It's a tough job.
This is just some of it. Lots of it is done, and there is lots still left to do.
Lots. And lots.
You get the idea.
This shows Faelan, and my hubby Pardus, sanding away. And sanding.
These were the *last* of the boards to be sanded! Woot!! Now all that is left is to finish painting. This is going to happen next Sunday.
For now, I'm finishing up my rum spiked apple cider, and am soon for bed.
My plans for this week, so far are, to finish the pink wool dress, start on my other dress, send in way more job applications, and keep crocheting!
How was your weekend?